Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Thursday, June 14, 2012

"Lullaby For an Astronaut", mixed media on canvas with wooden chair and spray can, 48x48"

"Lullaby For An Astronaut"

Detail 1

Detail 2

Detail 3

Detail 4

 Detail 5

Detail 6

Detail 7

Detail 8

Detail 9

Detail 10

nur·ture- [nur-cher]  [Middle English, from Old French, from Late Latin nutritura, act of suckling, from Latin nutritus, past participle of nutrire, to suckle; see (s)nau- in Indo-European roots.] The sum of the environmental factors influencing the behavior and traits expressed by an organism. vb (used with object) 1. To feed and protect: to nurture one's offspring. 2. To support and encourage, as during the period of training or development; foster: (To nurture promising musicians.) 3. To bring up; train; educate.  noun  4. rearing, upbringing, training, education, or the like. 5. development: (The nurture of young artists.) 6. something that nourishes; nourishment; food.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

"Effigy II", mixed media, 24x24"

"Effigy II"

Detail 1

Deatil 2

Detail 3
 I was asked what exactly are the particular contents I use as mixed media? Those would be layers of enamels, oil, paper, glue, glazing mediums, flat white primer sanded in between coats and the drawings are executed with graphite.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

"Archipelago", 48x36", mixed media on canvas


Detail 1

Detail 2

Detail 3

Detail 4

My greatest joy from art is that it is boundless. The more I practice it, the more I become the student. Each epiphany demonstrating how little I really know.

"Casting his commitments upon an endless horizon, he gauged the depth. The pace of the sail honed through endless hours charting the currents defining heaven and earth in the pursuit of aboriginal dominions. He has spent years gleaning and deciphering the stars, consulting his instruments, defining the contours, and yet each voyage continues to challenge the coordinates of the vessel. Wave upon wave is a faithful introduction towards an impressive unknown."

Monday, January 23, 2012